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Office Consultation

EKG: An EKG/ECG ,or electrocardiogram, measures the electrical activity of the heart which is measured in waves. To learn more, click on this link: http://bit.ly/296sfsh

ECHO (Please note, we also offer ECHOs without a consult if requested by a referring physician): An ECHO is more commonly known as an echocardiogram. This test is similar to an ultrasound, and it measured the echo of sound waves as they bounce of different parts of a heart. To learn more, click on this link: http://bit.ly/28WFudf

Holter: A Holter monitor is a device that is used to continuously monitor the electrical activity of the heart for 24 hours. Read this article for more information: http://1.usa.gov/290kKRn

Stress Test: A Stress Test is a test that measures how much stress your heart can take before developing ischemia or abnormal rhythms. Ischemia means that the heart isn’t getting enough blood flow. Click here to learn more.

Stress Echocardiogram: This is a test that uses ultrasound technology to see how well your heart pumps blood throughout your body during the stress test. Click here for more information.

Event Recorder: A cardiac event recorder is a device that you control to tape-record your heart during symptoms (such as fast or slow heart beats, skipped beats).

Ambulatory BP Monitor: An ambulatory blood pressure monitor is a small machine that measures your blood pressure every 15 to 30 minutes so that your doctor can see your blood pressure in your own environment. This helps differentiate “white coat” hypertension. The monitor also is able to provide the percentage of time your BP is above normal. (systolic blood pressure load). This help guide the doctor to develop a management plan.

In-office lab work

When to go to a Cardiologist

Chest Pain

Fainting (also known as Syncope): This is caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure.

Heart Murmurs: A “murmur” is the sound of blood flowing through the heart. The problem is spotted when the doctor hears the murmur, but it doesn’t sound right due to an issue with a valve.

Heart Failure: Heart failure occurs when the heart doesn’t pump blood as well as it should. Read more here.

Palpitations: By definition, a palpitation is noticeable rapid,strong, or irregular heartbeat. Read more here.

Shortness of Breath Dizziness

Congenital Heart Defects

Aortic Valve Disease: This is a disease in which the valve between the the left ventricle, the main source of pumping blood to your heart, and the aorta, main artery in the body, doesn’t function properly. Read more here.

Atrial Septal Defect: Also known as ASD, this defect means that there is a hole in the chamber of the heart that has the oxygen-rich blood. This oxygen rich blood then leaks in another chamber which contains the non-oxygenated blood. Read more here.

Atrioventricular Canal Defect: This congenital defect is actually multiple smaller defects in one with varying levels of severity. It is a combination of ASD, VSD, and abnormalities of atrioventricular valves (tricuspid and mitral). Read more here.

Coarctation of the Aorta: By definition, coarctation of the aorta means that the aorta is narrowed. The aorta is the main artery in the body that supplies oxygenated blood through the party. When the aorta is narrowed, it causes the heart to work harder to pump blood through the body. Read more here.

Double Outlet Right Ventricle: In Double Outlet Right Ventricle, or DOVR, the pulmonary artery and the aorta (the body’s 2 biggest arteries) are both on the the right side of the heart. This defect is serious, but is treatable with surgery. Read more here.

Ebstein’s Anomaly: The Ebstein’s Anomaly is a rare heart defect in which the tricuspid valve doesn’t function properly. It causes your heart to not work as efficiently. Read more here.

Heterotaxy Syndrome: This defect is also known as Isomerism, and does not only affect the heart but the other organs as well. By definition, hetero- means different and -taxy means different. The organs affected include the heart, lungs, intestines, and stomach. These organs could be in abnormal places. Read more here.

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: In this defect, there is a hole in the septum that divides the upper chambers of the heart. The size of the hole varies, and ,depending on the size, it can either close by itsself or it would require surgery to close the hole. Read more here.

Patent Ductus Arteriosus: In this defect, the blood flow between between the two largest arteries is abnormal. Read more here.

Pulmonary Atresia: This defect doesn’t allow the blood to go to the lungs to get blood. This is due to a solid layer of tissue that is where the valve opening should be. Read more here.

Pulmonary Stenosis: In Pulmonary Stenosis there is obstruction of blood flow from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery caused by narrowing. Read more here.

Single Ventricle

Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return: This disease causes the 4 major veins of that heart do not attach normally to the left atrium, they instead attach to a wrong part of the heart. Read more here.

Tricuspid Atresia: When a child has this disease, the lungs cannot properly supply oxygen to the blood due to a blockage in the veins. This may cause the baby to have blue-tinged skin. Read more here.

Transposition of The Great Arteries: This disease (also known as TGA) means that the aorta and the pulmonary artery are switched or not in the proper place. This then leads to not enough blood going through the body.

Tetralogy of Fallot: This defect is made up of 4 different defects; there is a hole in the lower chambers of the heart, an obstruction from the heart to the lungs, the aorta lies over the hole in the lower chamber, and the muscle surrounding the right chamber becomes overly thickened. Read more here.

Truncus Arteriosus: In this defect, one blood vessel comes out of the right and left ventricle instead of 2. Read more here.

Vascular Ring: A Vascular Ring occurs when there is an abnormal formation of the aorta or the vessels surrounding it. The trachea and esophagus can also be affected which leads to breathing and digesting issues. Read more here.

Ventricular Septal Defect: In this defect there is an abnormal connection between the two lower chamber of the heart. This then leads to a blueish tinge over the lips, skin, and nails. The treatment for this defect can be medications, for a low severity, or surgery, in extreme cases. Read more here.

Acquired Heart Defects

Dilated Cardiomyopathy: This defect causes a weakened and larger left ventricle, which then causes the heart’s ability to pump blood drop. This defect is caused by severe coronary artery disease, alcoholism, Thyroid disease, diabetes, viral heart infections, heart valve abnormalities, and toxic drugs. Read more here.

Endocarditis: By definition, Endocarditis is the infection of the endocardium, or inner lining of your heart. This defect is highly unlikely for people with healthy hearts. It is first treated with antibiotics, and if that doesn’t work then surgery is necessary to save the heart. Read more here.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: This defect commonly causes cardiac arrest in the hearts of athletes. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is when the walls of the ventricles thicken. This thickening can prevent blood from flowing properly through the ventricles. Read more here.

High Cholesterol: By definition, chelesterol is a compound of the sterol type found in most body tissues, including the blood and the nerves. High Cholesterol is high amounts of this in the blood. This then leads to limited blood flow, which leads to stroke or a heart attack. This is determined by a blood test, and is easily fixable and avoidable by improving your diet and with exercise. Read more here.

Kawasaki Disease: This disease causes the walls of the medium arteries to become inflamed. Symptoms for this disease include peeling skin and high fever. This disease is easily treatable, and, after cured, the patient would live without any major problems, Read more here.

Mitral Valve Regurgitation and Prolapse: This is a common heart murmur which is caused by a “leaky” valve. Read more here.

Myocarditis: By definition, Myocarditis is the inflammation of the middle layer of the heart wall. Read more here.

Pulmonary Hypertension: This is a type of blood pressure that affects the pulmonary arteries, or the arteries in your lungs, and the right side of the heart. Read more here.

Rheumatic Heart Disease/Rheumatic Fever: This disease comes from improperly treated strep throat or scarlet fever. To treat this, you would need to take antibiotics for many years. This can also lead to endocarditis(see above). Read more here.


Heart Block: Heart Block occurs when the heart is bradycardic, or beats too slowly. Read more here.

Long QT Syndrome: In this syndrome, the heart’s beats are fast and chaotic. These rapid heartbeats cause seizures and fainting. Read more here.

Supraventricular Tachycardia: Also known as SVT, this causes rapid heart beats during exercise, high fever, or stress. Read more here.

Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome: This syndrome causes an extra electrical pathway in the upper chambers of your heart to be formed. Read more here.

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